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This is a major appreciation post!
After the first few months of 2016,
I finally managed to escape
mental torture by secluding
myself alone. Away from toxic
negative vibes and suffocatng relationship. I'm proud to say that
I'm still sane and feeling alive.
Although I gotten myself into many chronic illness and hospitalized a few times, I managed to pull myself up.
Again and again, even it's damn tiring.
Back to the real deal.
These are the list of awesome people
whom I dedicated this post for:
My two super best friend Choomie and Aiman.(They both saved me from self-destruction by helping me doing a sweet surprise to my mom, which I initiated and keen doing of since my dad's passing)
Mr AA (or as he wanted
as a sense of mysterious suave charming
gentlemen, so let's be sweet and call him Mr. Arsyan. *cough* a soldier in his own ways and a loveable person )
My fellow team members
of Puakateam, cosplayers
and old buddies since uitm & primary school.
Each individual gave me a push forward
to keep doing my best in Life .

After all,what is life without wanting to have a gripful of support from others that we want to trust very much?

I can't be thankful enough and blessed more than I already am. Each of them showed me that life is so much easier if we know
how to share, teach and willing to
listen in a positive ways.
In these tough and challenging times.
They made me feel like home.
I love them with every parts of
broken heart and soul of mine.
Without these awesome people
that I had mentioned, I do not have much
strength to go on and outgrow physical
loneliness day by day until now.

As I entered mid of 2016.
I regain my courage to hold on
to my passions and old self that
believes in the arts of language
and expression.

Currently working on a few personal projects;
my books, vlogs, original quotes
and content writer in various topic. (yeay!)

I believe that the best intentions
are meant to be tested if we decided to act upon doing it, sincerely.

God does gives back what He has taken away from us, by replacing it with something new and fresh. Things beyond our expectations.

Thank you so much people for everything
we shared. Those silly text at any time of day,intimate conversations and personal
wishes.Turning my tears into a burst of
laughter in a matter of few seconds, minutes or hours.

I am nothing, without the support
and encouragement that I received so far.

Just a humble piece post of thank you,
and how I wanted to be remembered for.

Untill then. Stay blessed peeps.

Stay awesome. :)


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