Trust.I think we as the gemini has a lot of issues regarding trust.Some learn about it the hard way, and such a very tormenting moment that had to be gone through,just for the sake of learning, "What's trust? What to do with it when we have it? If we have it,can we manipulate it? If we twisted the truth a bit,here and there.. will it be a bad thing for us?Why is it so fun to enjoy the show while hurting other and it's so addicting? and why it hurts the people so much when we did something to abuse it?" I think about it.All day.Despite I'm wasting my time,doing all those geekish stuff and having fun chatting around with someone special in my life right now. Yeah,he's special coz he can understand how I feel to be inflicted with such complex duality that exist upon me and him. and I just love him as the way he is. Back to the topic. Trust.Fuck it,a guy.. who been abusing my trust.He's not even my ex. He's nothing in my life,tho we are related geneticall...