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#10 of Rainbows and Soulmate

I have difficulty in choosing the right title for this post. It is somewhat a miracle to this dark place of mine. My own thoughts

So, October 2018 huh?

I have been pondering if I am growing into something that radiates light and love around me? Am I good enough to love another again? But I already have answers to my own question.

Somehow, somewhere
In some part of this world
There's someone crazy about my smile or being with me.
I was deeply moved. Touched.
In the most unexpected ways.
My soul somehow feel welcomed.
It felt like coming to a nice sanctuary.
It's like one of the answers to my stupid petty questions.

I always told myself:
It's not about the Ending,
It is always about the Journey and Destination.
You will stumble across Millions of Choices,
but it leads into one favourable outcome that you had always secretly wished upon,
I believed in the Secrets of the Heart now.
We don't know it, but we always feel it.
We can't see it, but we recognise it very well.

The heart and soul has so many secrets and layers in this tangible and ironic world, but it will be a guide and choices we made in Life. Treasure it while we are living.

You don't get to choose a person who came into your life, you just need to accept them yet it is indeed a matter of how much you see greatness within each other. One soul will remember the familiarity of others who are alike. The same frequency and vibration. You just dive in and take a leap of faith. Regardless of how much fears and doubts clogs up your thoughts.

As much as I'm a poet and passionate writer. I always see Life as a crazy roller-coaster ride full of experiences.

We don't need to solve everything in Time, it will fall back into a complete circle in the right place, at the right Time. So perfect beyond our limited imagination.

We are going somewhere safe.

We are swimming to the shore of our future.

We are progressing as a Human.

We learn how to live, and let live.

We learnt to lower our Ego and compromise,

We learnt how to let go of the past.

We learnt to accept everything willingly without having second or latter thoughts.

This is called LOVE.
Beautiful and mysterious.

{This is a gift. From me to you.}


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