Hai cintaku ♥️, Ikhwan Faiz.
{ Saya tahu surat cinta fizikal dari awak lebih sentimental untuk disimpan tetapi surat digital sama sahaja boleh diabadikan dan bersemi di dalam blog introspective saya ini. Cinta ku padamu tetap abadi sehingga hujung nafas ku. (ayat novel ahahah) }
I have always wanted love my future husband in such ways that I can stroll down the memory lane if I started to miss you very much or gets emotional if you're not around or having mood swing from PMS or when I become pregnant with our eldest child in the future. I will never get tired of expressing my love for you or hearing how much you love me too. This love is real, sincere and most heartwarming I ever received because I too, see & feel the Heavens in you, my love.
No matter how hard life and upsetting this world can be, I know I have finally found my equal other half and someone who loves me for the way I am, even in the most vulnerable side that I have shown to you and the whole world. You're my imam, my protector, my confidant my biggest supporter, father to our future beautiful children and playmate for Life.
For every single day that I wake up now, I realized that you are the reason I feel like the world isn't so bad after all because I have found you and can't wait to be your wife. I can't wait to hold your hands and tell the whole world that I'm yours. I can't wait to spend lazy afternoons and weekends with you doing nothing or kissing you all day long. You made life feels bearable and we can always have each others back.
How do I know that Our love is real and Everlasting?
A few years ago I specifically dreamt of a vision of the Hereafter, where I kissed my husband's hand and tell him that I have always loved him right from the start and thank you for guiding me all the way to the Heavens and making me a better person in this Dunya. I was not given permission to see his face, but I was being able to recall of how he made me feel and soft spoken his voice to me. I have been searching for this feeling and specific person in all of my exes, crushes and flings that I met before we met.
Heartbreaks after heartbreaks, and confusion after confusions. I almost gave up. I wanted to rot away and run away to a foreign country and restart everything with Danny despite I know I might not be able to come back to my family and friends. It's harsh to say that I thought you were just an option and a Test when we first met. I was in a denial at first to accept your existence, but it hit me right in the face that I had told myself if my "Jodoh" comes in the most unexpected moment in Life or in his worst/vulnerable state, I have to accept his presence and existence to love and cherish him with all my heart and soul. You fit in right the visions of my soulmate/jodoh and there is nothing to deny about how perfect you are to me. I love your smiles, your voice, your eyes and everything you have shared with me. I vowed to myself to be everything you wanted and anything that is needed in this world and the next. I won't let you go of your love till my very last breath. And even after that, I will still keep on loving you even from The Great Beyond.
You're my world and my akhirah.
You're the beginning of an ending.
You're my solitude and fortress.
You're my forever and eternal love.
Sincerely yours,
Munira Jasmin Jamil.
Nuur Munira Jasmin,
ReplyDeleteTQ sayang. i will stand back one day. bear with me on this. Let's do this, the beginning for our ending.
I love you to the moon and back!