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Part 2. Us and the Future

My dear sayang, Ikhwan Faiz.

All these back pain, bodyache and cramps came visions of us having experiencing childbirth and labour of our children. We probably be a nervous first time parents who would worry everything or me being me, I'd just act cool while having fatigue and mood swings due to physical changes and hormones ever-changing from the first untill third trimester. The weird food combo cravings that won't be going away or wanting to certain things together with you, sayang. My round and huge tummy waddling around the house complaining why the kitchen cabinet is too high or I probably sneak around to eat junk food or pickled sour fruit at the middle of the night. You probably will wake up if you aren't sleeping soundly or noticing me making noise from the kitchen. Or high chances that I would be in half crying face asking you to help me open some food packaging or jar/bottle that I couldn't even open or just wanting you to spoon feed me because I could just be hormonal and wanting you to love me and our child in my tummy. Wanting you to touch, kiss and hug us while I caress & smother your face, lips and nose. 

The next vision came to me would be early labour phase that I wouldn't bother to care about the pain and having not so strong contraction untill I feel our baby's head would rotate to the cervix. I probably will not notice the pain or difference untill the pain start to grip me or making me nauseous. But then, you would be the first one who ask me to go to the hospital in case labour progress too face or worry if we couldn't make it to the hospital in time.Once in active phase of childbirth process, I would probably be crying silently and will not scream in pain because I can't wait to meet our newborn baby and try to focus on my breathing while squeezing your hands to gain more strength enduring the pain. Saw so many childbirth videos, it didn't end up really well to scream and waste energy while pushing the baby out from the cervix. I will also ask you to pray for our baby to be born safely and smooth while keep asking "Abang, how much more time do I need to push and see our baby? Lama lagi ke ni?" while sweating profusely and obviously stressed out. I knew that I would rely on your moral support and love to go through that particular phase until everything is over. Crying tears of happiness when we finally met our little one that we would give anything in this world to see his/her smile and laughter. Becoming parent and as first time mother & father together. 

Back to present time now, I can't wait to spend my eternity with you and build our own heaven with our future children. I want to be your wifey and mummy to our cute and adorable kids. You completed my life dreams and my source of hope & unyielding strength. You are my Jannah, my sweetheart and you are my teammate in this world & beyond. I can't wait to be yours, Ikhwan Faiz.

{ I'm sincerely, madly and truly in love with you. Every second and every minute of my life. My love is all yours. } 

Your sayang, 

Munira Jasmin. 


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