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Gemini.The Misconception.

What do you can generalize upon reading the above statement?
They're the twins in Zodiac Astrology.Happy and moody.
Naive but Cunning,Good and bad.All at the same time.
Everything seems to be in an opposite manner
from one moment to another.The misconception is about what makes them looking
rather "bad" than good,in general.Being misunderstood,misjudge etc etc.
Been seeing all those things inside me,and I'm not being prudish enough to
say that we're the star but also puppeteer in our life.
The ability to change everything from the smallest part of our personality
till affecting other people's life and decision has become a solid line on
how a complex personality that we can be,but never be taken in seriously
for some people,if not all.
So,back to what this post is really about.Misconceptions.
Here's a few:

  • Very indecisive, unsure & sometimes has no exact aims and direct goals in live
  • Flirtatious, no self will to commit in a relationship
  • Live for the moment attitude
  • "Cool" and too superficial
  • Good liar
  • Jack of all trades but Master of none.

To clear out misconceptions that I had stated above,
these are what are people had been thinking and stereotyping about us.
Hearing these trait over and over again,it seems unruly to get it out of our mind.
Some has made these traits as their habit and accept it.
And some has refuse and resist these trait and want to change it themselves.
It has been sticking in as a "norm" and dogma to the society everytime they “perceive"
people born under the star of "Gemini"
No offence but it is time to change what society has implemented to us.
Be it parents,friends,close acquaintance who tend to expect the same negative traits
over and over again.Ta-dah!

-> Very indecisive and unsure?
Taking every single aspect of pros and cons of what we want to
do in life is our biggest strength. We want the best and only the best choice being made
without being influence or pressured by people "opinions" or judgments. Doesn't really matter to us if we are taking too long to think and decide rather than decide now and bitching about it later,We're born as profound deep thinkers. We compile what others has to say and their experience wise on a particular matter
as guidance.We do have a sense of structure and objective after taking everything into account. Mind you, we don’t need others to think for us, we get stressed and tired, may have given up deciding for now, but we will keep thinking of what’s the best thing to do in life at the moment and what to expect in the future,before making them into actions and words.

->Flirtatious and no self will to commit in a relationship
In our teenage years,no one can deny that we just love to flirt,flirt and flirt.All the time.
Boyfriends/Girlfriends and crushes come and go.Cheating and affairs.We did that and we truly regret about it later.Sometimes,we didn't mean to flirt,just a little bit of sweet and exquisite words complimented to the other opposite gender makes us the "player" and got fucked up with the sitch. We don't ask for it. Flirting is fun but we do get tired after searching for the best partner to spend our live with later on. We will commit to someone that is really worth our attention and plan our future together with him/her accordingly when the time comes.We'll sacrifice everything we have to see his/her smile no matter how hard it is.For us, Commitment is a serious business and we don't deal with it unless we have the right partner ,at the right time and place,with all the right reasons to be with him/her.

->Live for the moment attitude.
No matter how impossible it may sound like to you,we don't like to have fun and makes jokes all the time. We may be impulsive and reckless,but we always do think of living for the future,what may have become and "what if's" situation. Not all of us like doing things just to waste some time and not all of us are party animals and directionless in life. There are times we decided to do certain changes and invest for the future.

->Cool and too superficial.
Yes.Sometimes we are being "cool" and too superficial to others.I do not deny it for myself. We find it rather fun being "cool" than showing real emotions to others around it and superficiality as our shield.More or less like a "Firewall" to prevent us being "read" by others who will tend to misjudge and exploit us.Being "Readable" to others is what scares us the most.We want people to gain our trust and slowly take us in without having any delusional perception when we have decided to share emotions and innermost thoughts with them.

->Good liar.
This trait can be completely false.Once you know a gemini deeply and recognize their mood swings,pattern of speech and body language, especially the eyes and smile. They tend to be the most "readable" in front of their close friends and loved ones,and they can't be lying good and smoothly enough.

->Jack of all trades but Master of none.
Not all of us are really into this trait.We choose to explore topics,subjects and things very deeply and be an expert,even if takes time.Only after one subject is mastered,we move on to the next.We don't really love having things unfinished half way,but we tend to procrastinate badly,that is why this trait exist and became a popular misconception.

p/s:Please Feel free to share any opinions with me,=)

Stay updated.
Happy weekends!


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